
How Lent Is Like Tiger Woods Playing In The Masters

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Have you ever thought Lent and Tiger Woods had stuff in common? I’m going to tell you why The Masters and Lent have more in common than you might think.

Lent is coming to an end next week. But I want to share a thought I had today about shifting my focus. Because there is always time to make the most of Lent!

It’s 6 weeks into Lent and I’m reflecting on how Lent is going. One thing I realized is that I have been grading myself on how well I am following my Lenten sacrifices. Seltzer waters haven’t made an appearance in my refrigerator since Ash Wednesday, so you KNOW, I’m going all in this Lent!

But then I felt God shift my focus to this: Lent is less about what I am doing, but what God is doing in me. 

It’s God’s presence in me that changes me.

So, now let’s get to Tiger. 

Tiger is playing in the Masters. He is in the event, so EVERYTHING is different. His presence in the tournament changes what the event is. Now it’s can’t miss TV, for golf fans. It’s extra work for people at ESPN to make all those video montages about Tiger. Ratings on TV wil sore just because he shows up. 

His presence makes the Masters different. 

Just like how God’s presence in me, makes me different. 

Something I have been missing this Lent is what these sacrifices mean. It is about what God is drawing me towards, and what He is doing in me. These sacrifices are meant to help change me, and create a deeper home of God in my life. 

So the external stuff is good, and no seltzers have been a good sacrifice, but it’s REALLY about what God is doing in me.. 

It’s not about what I am doing, but what God is doing in me.

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