
Lent Is Not Over

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Lent is not over everyone!

We are a few weeks into Lent. It can be hard to stick with the sacrifices or extra prayer we make. But don’t give up, yet!

Something I can struggle with is that if I am doing bad with a sacrifice, then I should just stop doing it all together. It’s actually kinda funny that’s my default mode. Like, why isn’t my initial reaction to think, “hey, Pete let’s figure out another way to accomplish this”.

Nope, my mind instantly goes to condemning myself for not being better. Maybe that’s just me, or maybe that’s every single person in the world. 

But, however your Lenten intentions are going, it’s always a good reminder to know that we can always keep getting better. 

Lent is not over!

The great part about Lent is that it’s totally transformational. Death into Life. Darkness into Light. Despair into Hope. 

The greatness of the Easter season is so special for how bleak things looked after Jesus died. Jesus was dead. The apostles were clamoring. Things looked bad. Probably a lot worse then however your Lent is going.

Jesus transforms us through his sacrifice. So, maybe your Lent is not going how you want it to. But it’s not too late to start again!

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