
Super Bowl Monday Should Be A National Holiday

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Super Bowl Monday is back upon us. The final day of football is done. The confetti has fallen. We all saw the Los Angeles Rams win Super Bowl 56… And,it’s all over.

Now? I am working. Sitting in my office, praying for the grace to make it through this day. 

I wonder about how far God’s grace extends.. Am I allowed to ask for grace to get through a work day, and pray deeply that all of America had the day off after the Super Bowl?

Is God lining that up his list of requests, and just like, “Ok, so 280 million people in the USA are asking for a day off from work this Monday, and of that number, 14 million are asking for the destruction of the Capitalist system, …. Ok, it must be Super Bowl Monday”. 

However God throws down His grace on us, I am going to need a double dose today. If you have a direct line to Him, can you also mention the idea about Super Bowl Monday being a national holiday. K thanks, bye.

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