
Inflation Is Really High: An Investigation

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Have you heard: Inflation is really high. People are getting fired up talking about how much they pay for gas and groceries.

But here’s my question: how far back does inflation go? 

We all hear the stories about how sodas were a nickel “back in the day”. Or that sleeve of paper that had candy dots on it? That was probably 1 penny… 

*Sidebar: That was candy in the old days. No Snickers, just dots on a piece of paper. Like, we have definitely made progress in the candy department*

But how far back does inflation go? Did Cowboys walk into a Saloon and be surprised that a beer was a little more expensive than the year before?

This is where I like to humanize Jesus. We believe He experienced everything we have experienced. So, I like to imagine Jesus, going to a market to buy something but the price went up from the last time He was there.

The cashier said the price, and he was genuinely surprised. He probably even raised his eyebrows. And even though he knows everything. He wasn’t prepared for that price. So he does that raise-your-eyebrows thing and says “Hmm?”

These little human moments help me remember Jesus was a man. Because sometimes I think that maybe Jesus doesn’t really know what I am going through. But then I think of us doing that same eyebrow thing at a really high price. 

And I remember Jesus not only had to save the world from it’s sins, but also had to deal with inflation. And that helps me think he knows what’s really going on with me. 

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