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Morning Meditation: November 9th, 2021

daylight savings


Morning Meditation: November 9th, 2021

Morning Meditation: November 9th, 2021

Morning Meditation: November 9th, 2021 – Daylight Savings

This week is Daylight Savings again. I never know what this has been used for, why it exists, or why Arizona is just like, “Nah”. Talk of Farmers and crops is what I hear, but I still don’t even know which time is the real time

Is the Summer schedule the reality? Or is the darkness filled nights the reality?

Nevertheless, this is the time of the year where we “Fall Back” in time, and set the clock back an hour.

So as we “Fall Back” in time, let’s NOT fall back into old ways, bad habits, or sin. Let’s use this Daylight Savings as a check point to keep moving ahead.

I want to keep growing and becoming better. Even when it get dark outside, I pray that I am a Light shining from the Inside.

I want to use New Media to spread the faith, build up creators, and uphold family life. Most of all, I want to live the Adventure with Jesus driving the Car!

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