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Is Free Speech A God Given Right?


Is Free Speech A God Given Right?

Is Free Speech A God Given Right?

Is Free Speech A God Given Right? I just Googled this question to see what would come up, and BOY, were the results varied!

The past few years have been filled with free speech conversations. I will spare us all the rabbit holes we can go down, when these words “free speech” are uttered. 

I came across the article today. It says Elo Musk just bought 9.2% of Twitter. 

Obviously, people had….. “Reactions” to this news. But it got me thinking about my own speech.

It’s very easy for me to walk around and think about how my speech affects society, and if “free speech” really exists.  But do I think about how my speech affects people everyday around me?

Does Our Speech Matter?

This verse from Matthew is very compelling, “It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.” -Matthew 15:11.

It is so EASY to just let a curse out, bring someone down with words, be negative about the world, gossip, or even tear down people with my words. 

This verse is so powerful, because it says we are defined by what is coming out of our mouths. 


I hope we are graded on a curve for this one, because Let alone bad language, I hope I am speaking the Truth, everyday!

I’ve been really convinced of this recently. I need to better understand how my words are affecting people around me, and use my communications to build up people. This is my mission with Backseat Media too! I want to build up the Kingdom of God by communicating  the Truth of following Him.

So, yes, Elon Musk bought a bunch of Twitter. People are talking about Free Speech. So I ask again: Is Free Speech A God Given Right?

Let’s remember this: Our speech matters, and we need to build others up with how we communicate. Not tear down. 

I want to use New Media to spread the faith, build up creators, and uphold family life. Most of all, I want to live the Adventure with Jesus driving the Car!

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