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Pope Francis Elects Fr. Jacques Fabre to Diocese of Charleston


Pope Francis Elects Fr. Jacques Fabre to Diocese of Charleston

Pope Francis Elects Fr. Jacques Fabre to Diocese of Charleston

Fr. Jacques Fabre was just announced as the newest Bishop for the Diocese of Charleston. 

Here is a video of the press conference for Rev. Fabre. He talks about his story, how he became a priest, and some details about his ministries. 

Also, quick note, this video is very “Catholic Church”: Great content, constant buzz in the background for some reason, big time coughs from the audience. So, push through that feedback noise, and try to listen to this amazing story. 

Fr. Jacques Fabre has a inspiring to me. So warm, and pious. I pray that God guides Fr. Fabre in his new journey. 

Also, I know it’s very popular to bash on Bishops in the USA. Especially during the past couple years, there has been a divide of opinion. How can we renew these relationships? What can lay people do?

I’m not sure about the answers but I do know that God is calling us to greater unity.

Let’s hope our newest isohps leads us well, and we follow in unity

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I want to use New Media to spread the faith, build up creators, and uphold family life. Most of all, I want to live the Adventure with Jesus driving the Car!

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