
The Endurance: Ernest Shackleton’s Ship Has Been Found

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Ernest Shackleton’s Ship, The Endurance has been found! 

Ok, so quick update. I saw this news yesterday, and then all of a sudden everyone I knew became Maritime experts. So, if you don’t follow “Men Of The Sea Monthly”, then here is a quick recap

From Fatherly

“The Endurance was a lost vessel where Antarctic explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton set out to discover the world. The ship and its crew set out to make the first land crossing of the Antarctic but they had to abandon the mission and the ship once it became trapped by sea ice. In 1915, the ship was crushed by sea ice and sank to the bottom of the ocean, and the whole mission just turned into one of survival.

Thankfully Shackleton and his crew were able to escape before it fully went down and made their way back to land. But curiosity over what happened to the ship continued to grow, and now we know a whole lot more than we thought we would.” –Source

So for all those guys out there who are becoming like your Dad, and enjoy a good story of men overcoming extreme odds- This is right up your alley!

This ship has been lost for over 1000 years. There have been people who were born, lived, and died, and probably thought this ship was destroyed.

God Knew Where Ernest Shackleton’s Ship Was

It got me thinking about time and God. And reminded me of this verse:

“But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”  ~ 2 Peter 3:8

It’s so easy to be a prisoner of the moment. To think that the way things are, is the way they will alway be. But With God, in 1 second, our whole lives can change. God is not worried about things taking time or happening quickly. 

The question is- Do we want to follow God even when it takes time? Even when we can’t see the ship below us? Do we trust that God knows exactly where the ship is at the bottom of the ocean and it’s just a matter of time before it’s found? And then the story of human history is changed..

Ernest Shackleton’s Ship, The Endurance was lost. But, now it’s found.  I want to follow the person who knew this ship would not be lost forever. 

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