
Did You Know The Great Resignation Comes From the Bible?

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The “Great Resignation” that you have been hearing about has its roots in the Bible.

Over the past year, articles like this, or this, or this one have been popping up on the internet. The main thesis: People are quitting their jobs in search of greater personal purpose, or in a better environment for their being. 

This is a total rip off from the Bible! 

Think about it. Jesus walked up to a bunch of guys and was like, “Quit this stupid job, and follow me arond” (paraphrasing). And, what did they all do? They quit those boring jobs and followed Jesus. 

Jesus told them He had a bigger purpose for their lives. So, they “resigned” from fishing and tax collecting and made a change to better themselves. 

If you are struggling with your job, or wondering if there is something better out there for you. Look no further than the apostles in the Bible. These guys are the model for making a career change.

Matthew was just a guy who was collecting taxes, which btw is such an old timey job. And Jesus walked right into his place of work and offered him a different job, with no pay, and probably no health benefits. 

Matthew took that job offer and became a saint!

Think of Peter. He was fishing on the docks, and Jesus gave a baller line to him- “Fishers of Men”. Peter dropped his nets and followed Jesus. Boom- he became the first Pope. 

The Great Resignation has its roots in the Bible. The apostles were the first to take part in the Great Resignation. And, if you want to quit your job, who knows? You might become Pope

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