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2 Facts About Moses And The Burning Bush


2 Facts About Moses And The Burning Bush

2 Facts About Moses And The Burning Bush

1) Moses didn’t feel ready to carry out God’s will.

2) that bush is still talking to this day.

These are two facts about one of yesterday’s readings at Church. “Moses and the Burning Bush” is such a classic Bible story, and this is one that I always try to put myself into.

The scene starts with Moses tending a flock of sheep, and a FLAMING BUSH STARTS TALKING TO HIM.

Right off the bat, I try to imagine how I would respond. Would I rub my eyes? Would I just walk by and pretend I didn’t hear anything?

I try to have great faith everyday, but sheesh, if a bush started talking to me, I might look at what was in my morning coffee!

So, Moses walks over to the bush, and God, through a burning bush, starts telling Moses to save the enslaved Israelites. 

One thing that I find so funny is how relatable Moses is in this moment. He literally just starts asking 1,000 questions, and God keeps answering them. Asking a lot of questions is what I would do. I wish I would just jump right into action, but if a tulip started talking to me, I’m confident I would pepper it with clarifying questions. 

Which brings me to the 2 facts about Moses and the Burning Bush. 1) Moses didn’t feel ready. 

Moses asked God:

“If they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them?”

“What if they do not believe me or listen to me and say, ‘The Lord did not appear to you’?”

 “Pardon your servant, Lord. I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue.”

Moses really didn’t feel adequate to lead people for God. This is something I deal with, and I think everyone else can relate to. How can God trust me to spread His word, when I am such a sinner?

The answer is the other fact. 2) That bush is still talking to this day.

God is the one doing the real work, and it’s up to us to follow in faith. That burning bush has never stopped talking. His voice has been passed down through generations and lives in our hearts

That same voice is reaching out to us today, and giving the same message: Follow me, and bring my voice to the world. 

So, I might ask the same questions that Moses did, and feel not ready to spread God’s word. But, that Fire in the bush has never stopped burning. And, the God that saved the Irelaties is still the one doing the talking! 

I want to use New Media to spread the faith, build up creators, and uphold family life. Most of all, I want to live the Adventure with Jesus driving the Car!

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