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Sprouting Wealth Ep. 2) what makes a financial decision?

financial decision


Sprouting Wealth Ep. 2) what makes a financial decision?

Sprouting Wealth Ep. 2) what makes a financial decision?

“What makes a financial decision?” 

This is a question I get A LOT, with clients, friends, and family. Since this is the 2nd episode of the Podcast, I wanted to give a background on some of this “Money Talk”. It might seem unimportant, but understanding what financial choices lie in front of you everyday, can help you reach your goals quicker.

Everyone knows that buying a house is a big financial decision, but what about that cup of coffee you buy every morning? Do you look at that as a part of your work routine, or your money routine?

Well, because it’s a little of both, and it seems cheap to buy, it can go unnoticed. In this episode, I wanted to lay the foundation for what makes a financial decision, so when you hear me talking about money the future, you will understand where I am coming from. 

Being aware of little financial decisions has helped me reach my financial goals, and I want to pass that on to all of you!

Tell me what you think? Are you willing to give up Starbucks to save money? Or maybe you want to find another area to save money? Either way tell me in a comment!

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The spring of 2014, graduating college with student loans, a modest salary, and no plan for my finances, I discovered a Passion for personal finances through a friend and mentor, and an appreciation for the importance of the Basics and Behaviors around money. I am passionate about helping professional women identify their financial goals, and teaching successful money habits in order to have the confidence to achieve their financial dreams.

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