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This tip will save you money this wedding season!

save money wedding season


This tip will save you money this wedding season!

This tip will save you money this wedding season!

On my first episode of my podcast, “Sprouting Wealth”, I jump right into a favorite topic of mine: Wedding Season!

Life in your 20’s can be filled with traveling across the country every Summer to witness good friends express their eternal love to each other. It’s beautiful, Godly, and always a lot of fun. 

But, sometimes the more weddings that you go to there are price tags that add up. For me, my favorite money saving tip for a travel wedding is this: Try to stay with someone you know who lives in the city that you are going to. Whether it’s a good friend, or your funny Uncle, this can be a great way to catch up with people you know, while you are in town, and save a few dollars along the way.

I know this tip has saved me money in the past, and if you want to hear more about Money Tips during Wedding Season listen to my episode right here:

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The spring of 2014, graduating college with student loans, a modest salary, and no plan for my finances, I discovered a Passion for personal finances through a friend and mentor, and an appreciation for the importance of the Basics and Behaviors around money. I am passionate about helping professional women identify their financial goals, and teaching successful money habits in order to have the confidence to achieve their financial dreams.

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