
Why St Therese Inspired BackSeat Media

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I remember reading The Story of a Soul in college and not really understanding it. This autobiography of St Therese of Lisieux, left me feeling confused as to why it was so popular. 

“Why was she a Doctor of the Church? Am I missing something?”

-Me, at 20 years old.

The 20 year old version of me couldn’t see why the diary of a person who sounded very normal, and went through everyday experiences just like me, was being read in this college class. 

Being the ever-quick-to-catch-on person that I am, I didnt think about it for like, years. But then one day it struck me. St Therese is so revered because SHE IS exactly like me…. Well, I’m more like the “Therese” part, and less like the “Saint” part…

St. Therese talks about all of these “little” things that happen to her everyday. Things that I feel. Things like: Dealing with anger, a place to fit in the world, or how to treat people with love. With brutal honesty, she lives out her simple life and documents the smallest of emotions running through her mind. 

Sometimes, I look at past heroes of the Church, like St Paul who spread the faith to different cultures, or Ignatius of Loyola, a warrior and intellect, or Pope John Paul II, who defeated Communism . 

And, then I look at Me: born in New Jersey, likes basketball. Short temper when hungry.. 

It’s not as impressive of a Resume, but I do like my chances in a 1-on-1 basketball game to 21, with any saint ever.

So, when I came back around to Therese of Lisieux, I finally saw it. I finally saw why she is so important. Her model for living out a life of faith is simple: The little things matter. Everyday life matters.

In her own words:, “Holiness consists simply in doing God’s will, and being just what God wants us to be” 

There it is y’all. I don’t need to defeat Communism, or go off to distant places to live a great life. I just simply need to do what God wants me to do. 

And, I feel like a lot of times, living today can be the opposite of that. I can feel this pressure to set myself up for making the most money, with a nice house, and acquire more and more and more. 

I think St Therese is the antidote for the “philosophy of more”. She is the model for GREATLY living out everyday life.

So, Why? Why are you reading this, and why am I talking about this?

Well, I want to welcome you to BackSeat Media, where we celebrate the “EVERYDAY” life of following Jesus. St Therese serves as inspiration on living out everyday, as opportunities to follow God, and to see that there is glory in all of the little things that we do.

So, take a look around. Subscribe, follow, like and join as we hop in the BacksSeat, let Jesus drive and put some glory on everyday life. 

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