
When Prayer In Public Becomes A Supreme Court Case

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Making a prayer in public has become a supreme court case.

This week, the Supreme Court started hearing arguments for a very particular case.

If you love Jesus, then this case matters a big deal. 

There is a lot to this story, so I’m going to give a very basic recap. If you want more, there are many resources out there. Or, you can go to DC and get your hands really dirty… I’m not the boss of you. Go for it. 

The coach’s name is Joseph Kennedy. He coached at Bremerton High School, in Washington State. He prayed after his games, ON the field. This went on for years. Some people didn’t like it. School said stop. Coach said no…. Boom. He was fired. 

There is a little bit more to the story. But at the heart of it is: Prayer.

Our country is really funny with prayer. We say “God Bless America” at a meeting in Congress……But you can’t pray before the meeting?

Christianity is the biggest religion in the country…… But we are expected to only pray at home and on Sundays at church? 

When a tragedy happens we always say, “thoughts and prayers”…. but you can’t tell a public school teacher that you are praying for them. 

It’s Almost like God is our country’s mascot: Yeah, we will roll him out for big events, and when we want to trash our enemies. But when it comes to playing the game, we don’t want the mascot involved deeply.

Do we think we are tricking Jesus? As if, we can invoke him for really high level blessings over America. But, when it comes to specific prayer in public, that’s where we draw the line.  

I wonder why prayer makes people so uncomfortable. Why wouldn’t people want society praying for them? Who thinks they can live this life on their own?

Sheesh, I know I’m not strong enough. I need every old lady in church praying for me everyday. I need relatives, and friends, offering up every prayer they can for me. 

This Supreme Court case is another example of how our country treats prayer. It’s kind of confusing, since we have “In God We Trust” on our Dollar Bills. But all we can do is pray, even if they don’t want us to.

Since this case is going to be months long, I am going to write more about this case, and how our country deals with prayer. So, this is just the first of more to come. God bless y’all

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