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God Protect The People Of Ukraine


God Protect The People Of Ukraine

God Protect The People Of Ukraine

God, we pray to please protect the people of Ukraine. 

I like to be funny. For this website, I’m trying to have fun with current events, and connect it to life with Jesus. 

But this situation in Ukraine is so terrible to see. It can be hard to try and be funny.

Trust me, there is funny stuff going on. Like this horrific cut from Air Raid Sirens to an Applebee’s commercial 

The song. The dance moves. Applebees. I mean, it was a perfect storm of cringe. Someone at CNN got a big time, HR approved, yelling at.

Something that is inspiring, even during this terrible invasion from Russia, is the people of Ukraine. They have shown great faith, and resolve to be strong.  

Moments like this can be so hard to see Jesus working. How can these bad things happen? Why do bad people do bad things?

Well, I don’t have all the answers, but I know that Jesus doesn’t promise bad things to never happen. He promises to never abandon us. 

We Pray For Ukraine

I don’t know how this will end. I don’t know how Russia will play this. Heck, I don’t even know what will happen in Ukraine tomorrow. 

But, I do know that evil will not prevail in the long run. The people of Ukraine are strong. And Jesus will not abandon them. This is all I can think of, to do.

We can only pray for them and ask Mother Mary’s intercession to help change hearts and minds. And to bring peace to this country. Lord, we pray for Ukraine.

That’s what I will be doing. I am going to still try and be funny, but I will also be praying constantly for the brave people of Ukraine. 

Now, who’s ready to hit the Applebee’s 2 for 1 special?!?

I want to use New Media to spread the faith, build up creators, and uphold family life. Most of all, I want to live the Adventure with Jesus driving the Car!

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