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Fitness Mythbuster: Lifting weights will make women bulky

lifting weight women


Fitness Mythbuster: Lifting weights will make women bulky

Fitness Mythbuster: Lifting weights will make women bulky


Lifting weights will make women bulky

A common concern of my women clients is the fear of becoming too bulky if they lift weights

Putting on mass is a full time job which requires a certain amount of volume lifted in the gym, staying in a caloric surplus AND plenty of sleep in order to repair and recover. 

Lifting weights, yes sometimes heavy weights, is actually a great way to get lean (if that’s your goal). You burn plenty of calories when doing compound-multi joint movements like squats, deadlifts and lunges. Plus, the more lean muscle you have the less fat you store AND the more fat you burn throughout the day. 

If you want a cardio effect WHILE lifting weights try doing tri-sets. A tri-set is 3 exercises performed back to back to back before resting.

Pick 3 strength exercises: One lower body lift, one upper body lift and one core move. A few of my favorites are 

A1-Bulgarian split squats-3×8 per leg 

A2-Incline chest supported rows-3×10 reps 

A3-Deadbug-3×40 reps 

B1-Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift-3×10 reps 

B2-Dual Dumbbell push press-3×6 reps 

B3-plank on stability ball with elbows moving in and out-3×12 reps 

So, if you’re a woman go ahead, start implementing strength training into your regimen!

I am an in-home and remote personal trainer. Proud owner of Murray Mania Fitness!

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