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1 Book Jeff Bezos Says You Should Read


1 Book Jeff Bezos Says You Should Read

1 Book Jeff Bezos Says You Should Read

Jeff Bezos gave a book recommendation for aspiring Business leaders, in a recent article with Business Insider. Link Here (Sorry, it’s behind a paywall, but maybe you’re a subscriber. If not you can check Twitter to find it. If you don’t have Twitter then you should stay here on BackSeat and look around)  

It’s not everyday where I wake up and think, “What is Jeff Bezos recommending for people?”, but I clicked, nonetheless. 

His suggestion is a book called Built To Last, by Jim Collins. The basics of this book highlight the successful habits of companies that make an impact in the world. 

One great line from that book that I found after Googling “good quotes from built to last” was this, “All great ideas eventually become obsolete”. 

It’s so easy to be a prisoner of the moment. Phones. News. Fake News. Big Tech. New Tech. 1 Day Shipping. I literally can’t walk anywhere without catching the reflection from a brand new iPhone.

New Apple Feature Slogan:

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This is one reason why the Bible is awesome. It’s stories from thousands of years ago, and it’s as if it takes place today. Pride, money, murder, kings, wars, sin, lying, golden calves- all of these problems exist today. (I’m sure someone made a golden calf in the past year)

But God is never obsolete. Even if we try to invent something to take the place of God. Like, Jim Collins wrote, “All great ideas eventually become obsolete”. 

So, what is really “Built To Last”? Maybe, it’s not a product. But maybe the only thing that really will last is…  The Builder. (mic drop)

I want to use New Media to spread the faith, build up creators, and uphold family life. Most of all, I want to live the Adventure with Jesus driving the Car!

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