Hank The Tank is black bear rampaging through Lake Tahoe, California. He’s not hurting anyone. He’s not growling at kids….
So, what does this burly black bear want?
The big fella just wants to sit down, enjoy some pizza and remain unbothered by the terrified humans whose house he is sitting in.
I love this verse of Proverbs 19:23:
“Those who respect the Lord will live and be content, unbothered by trouble.”
How unbothered am I by trouble? Until I am at Hank levels of unbothered, I need some work.
This bear is ingenious enough to figure out human locks, understand a refrigerator, and find a cold pizza box. All while people are trying to call the police, in stunned silence.
You might be asking,“Don’t normal bears hibernate during the winter?”
Don’t you ever disrespect Hank the Tank like that. Hank is not normal. He’s 200 pounds heavier than the average black bear. He has a taste for human food. And a total lack of fear for Animal Control. This is not a regular Black Bear.
Look at this King, right here:
Hank The Tank
I hope to be so unbothered by the world like Hank the Tank. There is a real example being set here. Sure we all have problems, but can we trust God enough to remain unbothered?
Let’s all look to Hank The Tank for an example
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I want to use New Media to spread the faith, build up creators, and uphold family life. Most of all, I want to live the Adventure with Jesus driving the Car!