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This tip will help you get out of debt

get out of debt


This tip will help you get out of debt

This tip will help you get out of debt

Becoming debt free is a journey that many people are on, and I applaud everyone who is taking the effort to get out of debt. And for anyone else who is looking for a way to get out of debt, check out my podcast where I give tips and tricks on how to grow your wealth starting in your 20’s.

A super important step in getting out of debt, and I pass this tip onto you: SET GOALS!

Setting goals is an effective way to put your mind in front of your actions. Intangible becomes tangible when we set goals. And financial goals are a great first step in becoming debt free!

Listen to my latest episode where I give 3 steps to do once you are out of debt

The spring of 2014, graduating college with student loans, a modest salary, and no plan for my finances, I discovered a Passion for personal finances through a friend and mentor, and an appreciation for the importance of the Basics and Behaviors around money. I am passionate about helping professional women identify their financial goals, and teaching successful money habits in order to have the confidence to achieve their financial dreams.

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