
Should We Still Do Online Church?

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Online Church. Virtual Church. Mass on Youtube.

Should we still do it?

I think this is a relevant question for us, Christians. Watching Church stems from other hot button social issues- Masks, ‘Rona, Mandates, all of these are the river that flows into the creek.This particular creek is filled with questions about watching Mass online.

I’ll admit what maybe you’re thinking: When 2020 reared its ugly head and we started watching Masss, I was into it. I stood when it was time to stand, made my face look really reverent, heck I even paused it a couple of times to talk about what a fire homily that was (shoutout Fr Mike Scmitz). 

Time passed. We stepped outside. People started arguing about masks, and here we are in 2022… It’s pretty much the same as 2020, except we can go to Mass in person now. 

Mass in Person

Here is a New York Times article about the conflict of watching Mass, or going to Mass in person. If you don’t want to read it, or clutch your pearls that this is a New York Times article; I will summarize:

The author believes that the Church is the embodiment of our faith, and part of that embodiment is building community together. She believes we need to do this in person. Also, she says times have changed, in terms of safety with ‘Rona. So we know more, and have better precautions, therefore we should head back to Mass in person.

It is an interesting read, and I encourage conversation about it. For me, this is the question I ask myself: 

If I can go to a restaurant on Saturday, what does that tell God about going to Mass on Sunday? 

Sound off and let me know your thoughts on community, virtual mass, adn how we bring it all together in 2022.

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