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Adults Act Like Children in Airports, New Study Shows


Adults Act Like Children in Airports, New Study Shows

Adults Act Like Children in Airports, New Study Shows

Adults acting like children at an airport is a tale as old as time.

Life can be so ironic. Children are constantly being told to listen better. But adults act like children and don’t listen to directions. 

Airports are the prime example of this situation.

Can We Be Better At Airports?

Apparently, airline passengers are crazier than ever. I will say it here, and I’m not scared to say it. We need to STOP BEING terrible on airplanes. It’s not all of us. Most of us are just trying to get where we are going. 

But sheeeeeeeshh….. Sometimes you would think an airport ticket counter is a kindergarten classroom. 

Screaming kicking, spilt Apple juice- Welcome to Gate 52 at Terminal B

No one has it worse than an airline ticket/help desk agent. Flying can be stressful and us humans like to take out our stress on other people. 

We don’t deal with our anger triggers or avoid confrontation. No, we lash out and make some else’s day worse, in hopes that we feel better. A real fallen bunch we are. 

*Sidebar: St Therese dealing with someone annoying, only to have the person say St Therese was the one who loved her best. Total Baller move*

Anyways, these Airline employees just catch everyone at their worst. People getting in their faces, begging about upgrades, wondering if a golf bag is going to fit overhead. 

“Sir, it’s not gonna fit.”

And they just have to have a sotic demouner and give the party lines to us like, “that’s not our policy” or “I’m sorry you can talk to one of our ticket agents for more information”

But we have to be better. We can’t just lash out on these people who are doing their job. No more adults acting like children at an airport.

The next time my blood is boiling in an airport, I’m going to think to myself, “What would St Therese do?”

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I want to use New Media to spread the faith, build up creators, and uphold family life. Most of all, I want to live the Adventure with Jesus driving the Car!

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