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How Pope Francis And Pope Benedict XVI Show True Leadership


How Pope Francis And Pope Benedict XVI Show True Leadership

How Pope Francis And Pope Benedict XVI Show True Leadership

Pope Francis visited Pope Benedict XVI today, in preparation for Pope Benedict’s 95th birthday.

It’s such a special time we live in, where 2 living Popes are here for us and our Church. The truest sign of leadership is humility. And these 2 men have fountains of humility they are working with everyday. 

Think about it:

How easy is it to feel threatened by someone else every day? A new coworker, a loud cousin, or a friend who makes a lot of money. It is so easy to feel like people are passing us by with accomplishments. 

But we are all called to humility, and this is so hard to do, even with the tiniest bit of responsibility! Think about how bossy the lifeguards are at summer camp: Red shorts and  whistles send these teenagers into  levels of order that are only paralleled by sergeants in the Army. 

Think about how the HEAD lifeguard acts towards the JR lifeguards. This guy was walking around like he invented water!! 

So much whistle twirling, so little real world responsibility. 

And this is just summer camp politics- All across the world, these power dynamics exist up to the highest levels of leadership. 

So, who can we look to, in an effort to be humble everyday with our relationships and our responsibilities??

Pope Francis and Pope Benedict’s XVI are true examples of servant leaders, who are humble and treat each other with the utmost respect. Their leadership and grace exude with each other prove that Jesus is the ultimate authority, and great leaders lead with humility.

I want to use New Media to spread the faith, build up creators, and uphold family life. Most of all, I want to live the Adventure with Jesus driving the Car!

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