
2022 Beijing Winter Olympics: Is This Heaven?

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The 2022 Winter Olympics are in Beijing, and everytime I see the opening ceremonies of the Olympics, I think of Heaven. 

Now, let’s be real, I don’t sit and watch the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. I just watch the highlights. In fact, I don’t think I have ever sat through and watched the entire opening or closing ceremonies, ever? Are people sitting through the whole program, start to finish, or are they just waiting for the USA to come out and watch that? 

Either way, I usually find myself watching the highlight package of the USA entering the ceremony(event??). And, with all the music, grandeur, and fireworks it’s always pretty cool to see. 

This article gives a run down of the opening events that are currently happening, if you are interested. Or, check out NBC’s coverage of the opening ceremony.

Ever since I was a kid,I always imagined that entering Heaven was a lot like the opening ceremonies to the Olympics. You are walking through the pearly gates, you’re with a bunch of different people, and everyone is cheering for you. All the people cheering? Don’t know them, but they are cheering for me and it feels good. 

I’m just walking into Heaven with fireworks exploding above me, and I’m thinking about how I’m really glad I didn’t flip off all those people in Traffic. 

I am not exactly sure of the criteria to make it to Heaven. These are just like Plato’s Forms: just a reflection of the real thing. Maybe my reflection is way off, but hey, you’re the one cheering me on, as I’m walking to Heaven, so I must have done something right. 

The crazy thing is that Heaven will probably be 1000x more incredible and unimaginable. One day I hope to see all of you waving at me when I make it to Heaven. So in the meantime, I am going to practice better patience in traffic. 

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